Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Insomnia is a symptom, not a stand-alone diagnosis. By definition, insomnia is "difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep, or both." Although most of us know what insomnia is and how we feel and perform after one or more sleepless nights, few seek medical advice. Many people remain unaware of the behavioral and medical options available to treat insomnia.
Insomnia affects all age groups. Among older adults, insomnia affects women more often than men. The incidence increases with age.
Stress most commonly triggers short-term or acute insomnia. If you do not address your insomnia, however, it may develop into chronic insomnia.
Monday, December 29, 2008
What Do Sleep Disorders Do?
Enjoy the video,
Don't forget to check out Fast2sleep the all natural,non-addictive sleep aid.Click on the product pictire for more information.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Quality Sleep is Elusive
Twenty-five percent take a sleep aid to accomplish it. And it costs the nation an estimated $35 billion annually to treat it.
Not only can this challenge make your nights long and restless, it can also mean lack of energy, difficulty concentrating, blurry vision, irritability and memory loss during the day.
If the challenge persists without some type of intervention, it can lead to depression, poor health and accidents. And while prescription sleep aids are much better than they were decades ago many still have significant warnings regarding risk of dependency and side affects.
It's never been more important to seek natural sleep aids.
Click on our product picture for more information.
Fast2Sleep the all natural sleep aid.
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Kids With Insomnia
Children can also suffer from insomnia. If you have a child who's restless every night, who awakens unrefreshed or irritable, then he or she may be a victim of childhood insomnia, and just as miserable as adult sufferers.
While, with adults, its sometimes hard or impossible to come up for the cause of the sleeplessness, with children there's usually a very obvious cause. Find that cause, eliminate it and you will be well on the way to curing the insomnia.
Stress just like adults, children can suffer from stress, and it's can be a cause of insomnia. If you have a child suffering from sleepless nights, take a look at his or her life. How are things at school? Is the household in the midst of financial or marital problems? Is your child being pestered by the bully down the street? You bet your life kids worry, more than you'd believe. Try to help with the problems.
Constipation or upset tummy? Something as simple as a bit of a stomach problem can cause occasional restlessness. Adults suffer from the same thing, so that's easy to understand. Is your child eating and eliminating properly? If not, could be a problem.
Pain, is your child in pain? Fibromyalgia strikes indiscriminately - young or old.
Children can also suffer from a common problem called growing pains. Or even muscle cramps from a day of sports or playing too hard can be a cause of discomfort and sleeplessness.
For information on how fast2sleep, an all natural sleep aid, can be used by children, click the above link or product picture on this page.
Until next time,
Monday, August 18, 2008
Beijing Olympics watchers lose sleep over games

Are those Olympic rings ... under your eyes?
Do you find yourself engrossed by coverage of mixed-doubles badminton, team sabre or lightweight double scull rowing in the middle of the night?
Have you mastered a balance beam dismount off the side of your couch or attempted the butterfly stroke in your bathtub?
Call it Olympic fanaticism, bleary-eyed passion or simply China fever. As you stumble through work this week, know you're not the only one living in a time zone 13 hours ahead of your own.
Round-the-clock coverage and live late-night viewings have turned Dallas residents into workplace zombies, from Taiwanese fans secretly rooting for swimming superman Michael Phelps to North Texas athletes transfixed by Nastia Liukin's acrobatics.
Beyond the usual feats of mouth-gaping athleticism, the 2008 Beijing Olympics have produced a unique blend of political volleys, cultural pride and sleeplessness that accompanies today's 24-7 access.
"Do I believe my 15-year-old daughter should be up until 4 in the morning with a Red Bull watching swimming a week before school starts?" said Fort Worth resident Tricia Alley. "Absolutely. It's history."
She's less excited about her husband's obsession with the U.S. women's beach volleyball competitors.
Click here to read the rest of this article:http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/news/world/stories/081808dnmetolympics.43b3fe3.html
Saturday, July 26, 2008
An Efficient and Affordable Way to Relax